Staff- Profile


Carole is the longest standing employee at Physio Max (without being the owner that is!). She has been a valuable team member for over 10 years.

Her commitment to customer service is exceptional. You will notice she is slightly quieter than Lise and Marcelle (then again, who isn’t!), but her genuine smile and attention to details will quickly put you to ease.

She has a phenomenal memory for remembering names of past clients; so don't be surprised if she remembers your name when you come in again a few years later.

She will most likely be the one to greet you when you walk in.  Her daily responsibilities include: scheduling appointments, maintaining a clean and functional work environment, and assisting the physiotherapists.

Carole can be reached at



Born: Tremblay (NB)

Lives: Dunlop


City: Quebec City

Best Vacation: Jamaica

Restaurant: Lucky Dragon

Food: Chinese

Movie: Comedies

TV Show: Criminal Mind

Book: Alex Cross (James Patterson)

Store: Costco

Hobbies: Spend time at my camp

Sport: walk

Music/Artist: dance