Staff- Profile


Miguel graduated from the Université de Moncton with a Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology (2018). He worked as a kinesiologist in the Montreal area for several months before deciding to return home. Originally from Madran, he is very active in nature and always ready for anything. Growing up around sports and having played competitively, he is passionate about physical activity and wellness. With the experience gained with the bachelor's degree in kinesiology from the Université de Moncton, this allowed him to offer quality services. Outside of the clinic, you can find him on a soccer field.


Born: Madran N-B

Lives: Madran N-B


City: Barcelona (Spain)

Best Vacation: Backpacking in Colombia

Restaurant: Saint-Hubert

Food: Italian

TV Shows: Prison Break, Chuck

Store: Calvin Klein

Hobbies: Sports, gym workout, and the outdoors

Sport: Soccer

Musique: RnB