Staff- Profile


Shanie has been an accredited massage therapist since 2015. She worked on her own for a few years. She is now happy to be part of the team at Physio Max. She enjoys interacting and chatting with these clients and learning their daily lives to establish the best possible treatment plan. She completed several training courses such as: massage for pregnant women, cupping, kinesiotaping and treatments for the temporomandibular joint (jaw).

Do you have any kind of pain? Do not hesitate to make an appointment. She will be happy to help you.



Born: Bathurst, NB

Lives: Petit-Rocher, NB


City: Orlando

Best Vacation: Walt Disney

Restaurant: Pink sushis

Food: Thai, Mexican, Sushis, Italian (any kind of food)

Movies: Truman Show, Les Choristes, Stick It

Tv Show: Big Bang Theory

Store: anywhere I can buy clothes

Hobbies: dance, singing

Sport: dance

Music: anything!! really depends on the day